From our deconstruction of hundreds of Hollywood blockbusters at
The Hero's Journey is the template upon which the vast majority of successful stories and Hollywood blockbusters are based upon. In fact, ALL of the Hollywood movies we have deconstructed are based on this template.
Understanding this template is a priority for story or screenwriters.
The Hero's Journey:
a) Attempts to tap into unconscious expectations the audience has regarding what a story is and how it should be told.
b) Gives the writer more structural elements than simply three or four acts, plot points, mid point and so on.
c) Interpreted metaphorically, laterally and symbolically, allows an infinite number of varied stories to be created.
and more...
Walk the Line (2005) deconstructed
FADE IN: Loop / Context: Folsom prison:
Meeting the Hero / Loop: Cash looking at the saw.
Ordinary World: back at home as a kid.
Foreshadow of the Romantic Challenge: June Carter Cash on the radio.
Foreshadow of the Outer Challenge: Ray (Father) banging on the door.
Building Inner Challenge: Cash with his younger brother in bed.
Hero's Capabilities: songs are easy.
Developing Outer Challenge: Dad angry while picking cotton.
Building Inner Challenge: Cash walking with his younger brother in the fields.
Building Inner Challenge: the dangerous saw.
Developing Hero's Capabilities: Cash practicing song writing.
Pushed to confront the Inner Challenge: Ray picks up Jack.
Inner Challenge: Jack dies.
Call to Adventure : "'re nothing... he took the wrong son...."
Refusal : running away.
Supernatural Aid
Going on a Journey to meet the Mentor: you'll be late for the bus.
Goodbye to the Old Self: saying goodbye to the family.
Outer Challenge: no words for Dad.
Crossing the Physical Marker: the road.
New World: in Korea.
Meeting the Shape Shifter: talking to Vivian on the phone.
Pushed Forward: "lets go Cash...; five minutes was up five minutes ago"
Magical Gift : the Folsom prison film.
Guided by the Mentor / Magical Gift: writing the Folsom prison song on his guitar.
First Threshold
First Threshold: lying in bed with Vivian and the kid in Memphis.
Threshold Guardian / Rules: are you going to sell something today?
New World and New Self / Outer Cave: Cash trying to sell door to door.
Foreshadow of the Transformation: watching the shoe shiners.
Foreshadow of the Belly of the Whale: seeing the musicians run into the studio.
Resistance to the Belly of the Whale: the door closes.
Pushing to the Belly of the Whale / Meeting Allies: Cash and his band playing gospel in front of the wives.
Inner Cave: Vivian hides in the toilet; can't even make rent.
Push and Resistance to the Belly of the Whale: Cash persuades the producer.
Time Pressure: I can't wait that long.
Resisting the Belly of the Whale and the Transformation: you can't wear black, you look like you're going to a funeral.
Belly of the Whale : the producer doesn't like the gospel derivative.
Pushed to the Physical Separation: "...give me the one song that would sum you up..."
Using the Magical Gift to open the Door: Cash sings Folsom Prison.
Physical Separation : the producer likes the song.
Celebration: Cash tells Vivian the good news.
New World : in concert.
Foreshadow of the Meeting with the Romantic Challenge / Transformation Mentor: seeing June Carter Cash.
Transformation Marker / Devolved State: "nobody follows [the asshole]"
Meeting the Romantic Challenge: June gets caught up in Cash's guitar string.
Magical Gift: a piece of June's dress.
Developing the Romantic Challenge 's Capabilities: June is popular, established and a comic to boot.
Clumsily entering the New World of the Transformation: not used to the light.
Welcomed to the World of the Transformation: Johnny sings in concert, is popular.
Celebrating the Entry: Cash phones Vivian.
Goodbye to the Old World and Self: "Johnny I have to go..."
Developing the Romantic Challenge: June singing.
Romantic Challenge's backstory: she's been singing since she was a little girl.
Time pressure: we're leaving in an hour John.
Trial and Transformation 1:
Developing Characters and Relationships: Cash meets June in the café; referencing all challenges - Ray, Jack, wife etc.
Transforming: moving into the new house.
Resisting the Transformation: Vivian gives Johnny the rules.
Warning: Vivian leaves if he can't give her what she wants.
Transformation marker: the asshole in the tour bus.
Developing the marker / asshole: we're all going to hell.
Journey to the Inner Cave: arriving at the hotel.
Inner Cave: Cash tries to kiss June.
Transformation: June has been through a divorce.
Trial and Transformation 2:
Introduced to drugs.
Blowing up the tree.
Johnny in concert; the girl in the blue watching.
Transformed: the asshole has been outdone.
Seeing Elvis.
Taking drugs.
Audrey Parks walks into the room.
Transformation: new baby, Ray getting old.
In the back room with the girls; falling over.
Trial and Transformation 3:
Transformation Mentor's Challenge: June in the store; told that divorce is a sin.
Meeting Cash in the store.
Walking out with the fishing gear.
Cash fishing with June; romantic tension.
Transformed: Johnny an accomplished singer now.
Transformed: June sings "time's a wasting" with Cash.
Inner Challenge reminder: June sees the woman in the audience.
Cash kisses June.
Cash pursues June into her room; "please get away from me..."
Cash tears up the place.
Cash, June and Jerry Lee all playing together now.
Separation : June turns up at the rehearsal, where everyone is drunk and high; June is going home; you don't walk no line.
Journey to the Sword: Cash singing the Walk the Line song.
Goodbye to the Old Self: selling the house.
Seizing the Sword: a star now; signing a new contract.
New World and New Self: on the hammock, new house; Casita springs.
Near Death Experience:
Outer Challenge: Ray remarks on Cash's use of drugs.
Shape Shifter Developed: Vivian snappy with Cash.
Transformed: meeting the New June at the performance; married now.
Cash follows June out of the concert.
Cash wants to sing with June again.
June introduces Cash onto stage; June sings with Cash again.
Foreshadow of the Atonement: Vivian in the audience.
Atonement : Vivian tells June to stay clear of her children.
Apotheosis : Cash and June singing great together.
Comedic Element: the officers in the lift.
Ultimate Boon:
Cash follows June to her room.
June invites him in.
Cash in bed with June.
Disgust / Denial:
Junes' children call.
June refuses Cash's calls; I'm not going to do this.
Cash tops up on the drink and drugs.
Cash collapses on stage.
Magic Flight 1:
The band cancel the tour and leave.
Foreshadow of the Final Conflict: Tell me you don't love me; I don't love you.
Foreshadow of the Final Conflict: Where are my pills?
Romantic Challenge's Challenge: June crying; seeing her kids.
Set up Magic Flight 2: Police arrest Cash for drugs.
Cash arrives home. Vivian's cold welcome.
Seeing the kids.
Vivian catches significance of June leaving the tour in Vegas.
Vivian sees Cash put up June's picture.
Vivian smashes June's picture.
The kids see their parents fighting.
Johnny by the pool.
Magic Flight 1:
Vivian leaves with the kids.
Cash pursues Vivian.
Needing Rescue:
Cash doing drugs with the dealer.
Cash tries to cash the cheque.
Rescue from Without: Love yourself first.
Cash walks home.
Cash buys a new house.
Cash gets some more drugs.
Cash calls June.
Outer Challenge: Ray arrives and notes the truck.
June's parents arrive.
Outer Challenge: Cash confronts Ray over dinner.
Final Antagonism: you got nothing.
Cash tries to get the truck out of the mud.
Pushed to Confront the Inner Challenge: June's mother tells her to go down there; he's all messed up.
Inner Challenge: Cash goes cold turkey.
Drug dealers chased away.
Foreshadow of the Romantic Challenge : June brings a bowl of strawberries; a hug; a second chance.
New Self: June take Cash to church.
Cash starts reading his fan mail; letters from Folsom.
Refusing the Wizened One : the record company resists the Folsom prison gig.
Transformed: Cash with a new voice.
Loop: Cash in the Folsom prison gig.
Confronting Romantic Challenge :
Cash asks June to marry him in the bus.
June closes the door on Cash.
Cash asks June to sing with him.
Cash ask June to marry him on stage.
June resists.
Freedom to Live:
June says yes.
The kiss.
All Challenges Conquered: Cash with his Dad; fishing with June.
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Kal Bishop, MBA
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Kal Bishop is a management consultant based in London, UK. His specialities include Knowledge Management and Creativity and Innovation Management. He has consulted in the visual media and software industries and for clients such as Toshiba and Transport for London. He has led Improv, creativity and innovation workshops, exhibited artwork in San Francisco, Los Angeles and London and written a number of screenplays. He is a passionate traveller. He can be reached at